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Palo Verde National Park

Gentle river boat ride || bird-watching || animal spotting


Enjoy a breath-taking boat ride along the Tempisque River to appreciate the great ecological variety of this Park, cruising through 13 different habitats including mangrove and swampy forests, salty and freshwater marshes, evergreen, lowland, limestone and secondary forests and a wide range of continuous stages.


Palo Verde National Park is located on the Pacific slopes of Northwestern Costa Rica.  It is an 18,418-Hectare plain delineated by rivers, limestone hills and extensive wetland vegetation bordering the Tempisque River that flows into the Gulf of Nicoya. 


Birds are the biggest attraction at Palo Verde National Park.  In the wet season the floodwaters of the Tempisque River spread to form extensive marshes that welcome migrant birds from North and South America.  Large numbers of aquatic birds can be seen:  grebes, anhinga, herons, jabirus storks, ibises, spoonbills, cormorants, falcons, caracaras and jacanas.


The variety of mammals and reptiles is equally rich and visible, particularly during the dry season, when crocodiles, green iguanas, lizards, armadillos, coatis, agoutis and monkeys are attracted to the water holes.

Remarks:  The sequence of the tour depends on the tides.


What to bring:  comfortable clothing, insect repellent, sun block, hat, binoculars and camera.


Includes:  your private A/C transportation and bilingual guide, entrance fee, boat tour, lunch and drinks.


 Duration:  7 hours approximately

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